Jashnoor Chhina


Jashnoor Chhina
Photo courtsey of Jashnoor Chhina
Jashnoor Chhina

Hello, my name is Jashnoor Chhina! I am an undergraduate student at Western University concurrently enrolled in the Medical Sciences and Scholar’s Electives Research Programs. I have recently finished my 3rd year of an Honours Specialisation in Physiology.

Throughout my undergraduate years, I have been drawn to translational research due to its direct focus on improving patient health outcomes and care. My specific interests lie in the fields of physiology and pharmacology. In 2021, I was a recipient of the American Physiological Society’s (APS) Undergraduate Research Fellowship, and the year after I was the recipient of Western University’s Undergraduate Summer Research Internship (USRI) award. In 2022, I presented my research at Experimental Biology in Philadelphia, pertaining to a scoping review on cardiovascular disease associated with radiation therapy for breast cancer. This summer, I am beyond excited to conduct research at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health with Dr. Brunda Brands as part of the Amgen Scholar’s Program!

Aside from research- I am an award-winning short film creator, a part-time photographer, and a gym enthusiast!